by Louise Morgan | Blog, Complementary Therapy, Holistic Therapy
When you book a therapy you may find there is a choice between half hour, hour, and an hour and half appointments, and if you’ve not booked a therapy before you may be unsure about which one to choose. Regardless of which one you select, you will find that for...
by Louise Morgan | Blog, Complementary Therapy
You may or may not be aware that there are changes taking place on 25th May with new legislation called GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). This is to change the old Data Protection Act, as we now collect and store so much information. This is important, as you...
by Louise Morgan | Baby Massage, Blog, Complementary Therapy, Massage for Children
At the end of my baby massage courses parents are given the chance to provide feedback. Recently at the end of one of my childrens’ centre course I received the following: “The singing is awkward and unnecessary. Playing music/lullabies in the background...
by Louise Morgan | Aromatherapy, Blog, Buying Essential Oils, Complementary Therapy, Essential Oil Safety, Introduction to Essential Oils
If you buy essential oils then you may well have already looked into how to store them and look after them. If you don’t know how to store them and you’d like some guidelines you can check out one of my previous blog posts about how to look after your...
by Louise Morgan | Aromatherapy, Baby Massage, Blog, Complementary Therapy, Essential Oil Safety, Holistic Therapy, Introduction to Essential Oils, Massage for Children, Uncategorised
Across the internet there is lots of information about essential oils, and there is lots of conflicting advice about essential oils and babies. Some people will say never to use essential oils on babies below 2 years of age, others 12 weeks, and others say it’s...
by Louise Morgan | Aromatherapy massage, Blog, Complementary Therapy, Holistic Therapy, Massage, reflexology, Reiki, Self Care, Uncategorised
With holistic therapies it is possible for your session to be tailored to you, so, how do you get the most out of your therapy session? Before the hands-on part of your therapy begins, you’ll find that your therapist has a little chat with you. Apart from...
by Louise Morgan | Aromatherapy, Blog, Complementary Therapy, Holistic Therapy, reflexology, Self Care, sleep
It happens to everyone from time to time and it’s quite usual, but if you find you’re struggling with getting to sleep or staying asleep, then it may be worth reviewing what is going on. Recent research is showing the importance of sleep, and how it is used by the...
by Louise Morgan | Aromatherapy, Blog, Buying Essential Oils, Complementary Therapy, Essential Oil Safety, Introduction to Essential Oils, Uncategorised
If you’re buying essential oils, you may discover that some cost a few pounds while others actually cost quite a bit. The cost is usually a factor of where it was obtained, current levels of availability and how difficult it is to extract. For example,...
by Louise Morgan | Complementary Therapy
Some people feel if they have received a terminal diagnosis that they cannot receive complementary therapies. If you have a terminal diagnosis you have received the worst news and you will be going on a journey with the medical community on the best way of care for...
by Louise Morgan | Blog, Complementary Therapy, Self Care
As an holistic therapist I have a toolkit of therapies I offer, as I’m aware not everyone likes the same thing. Regardless of your therapy, I’ll have a little chat with you before the session, and it’s then you can tell me what you think you may...