by Louise Morgan | Blog, Complementary Therapy, Self Care, sleep, stress
When you start to look at the world of complementary therapies, it is easy to become overwhelmed by the choice. If you are living with a particular ailment, you may be looking for a therapy which can help give you some respite. It is worth chatting to people....
by Louise Morgan | Blog, Self Care, sleep
So, as we’re approaching the end of the year I hear a lot of people commenting on how their lives are getting a bit crazy as they try to fit everything in. Self-care is a bit of a buzz phrase at the moment, but it’s because it is important, especially when...
by Louise Morgan | Aromatherapy, Baby Massage, Blog, Buying Essential Oils, Complementary Therapy, Essential Oil Safety, Introduction to Essential Oils, Massage for Children, sleep, Toddler massage
During my baby massage course I talk to parents about how to safely use essential oils around children. If you’re thinking about using essential oils with your baby you may want to read this post, essential oils and babies. Many parents think about using...
by Louise Morgan | Aromatherapy, Blog, Complementary Therapy, Holistic Therapy, reflexology, Self Care, sleep
It happens to everyone from time to time and it’s quite usual, but if you find you’re struggling with getting to sleep or staying asleep, then it may be worth reviewing what is going on. Recent research is showing the importance of sleep, and how it is used by the...