by Louise Morgan | Baby Massage, Blog, Massage for Children
When you learn baby massage you may find yourself wondering when is a good time to massage your baby. Some people automatically think they’ll use baby massage before bedtime to encourage their baby to sleep. This can be a good idea, but, if you already...
by Louise Morgan | Baby Massage, Blog, Complementary Therapy, Massage for Children
Baby massage has become more popular in recent years, as parents think it’s a nice thing to do with their young baby while health professionals are beginning to understand the implications of positive touch for an early age. So, what is it? Some people think it...
by Louise Morgan | Baby Massage, Blog, Complementary Therapy, Holistic Therapy
Sometimes during my baby massage courses I see babies who appear to have reflux. In recent years, this condition has overtaken colic in popularity – if you find your baby is crying at the same time every evening then it may be colic and you may want to read my...
by Louise Morgan | Baby Massage, Blog, Complementary Therapy, Massage for Children
At the end of my baby massage courses parents are given the chance to provide feedback. Recently at the end of one of my childrens’ centre course I received the following: “The singing is awkward and unnecessary. Playing music/lullabies in the background...
by Louise Morgan | Aromatherapy, Baby Massage, Blog, Complementary Therapy, Essential Oil Safety, Holistic Therapy, Introduction to Essential Oils, Massage for Children, Uncategorised
Across the internet there is lots of information about essential oils, and there is lots of conflicting advice about essential oils and babies. Some people will say never to use essential oils on babies below 2 years of age, others 12 weeks, and others say it’s...