by Louise Morgan | Aromatherapy, Blog, Buying Essential Oils, Complementary Therapy, Essential Oil Safety, Introduction to Essential Oils, Uncategorised
If you’re buying essential oils, you may discover that some cost a few pounds while others actually cost quite a bit. The cost is usually a factor of where it was obtained, current levels of availability and how difficult it is to extract. For example,...
by Louise Morgan | Aromatherapy, Aromatherapy massage, Blog, Buying Essential Oils, Essential Oil Safety, Introduction to Essential Oils
Aromatherapy is a massive subject and no one knows everything; we keep discovering things and changing our stance on things based on new information; in many circles this is considered as adopting ‘best practice’. We revise and grow. Or we don’t. I...
by Louise Morgan | Aromatherapy, Blog, Buying Essential Oils, Complementary Therapy, Essential Oil Safety, Introduction to Essential Oils
Anyone who knows me knows I love my essential oils. I think they’re fantastic and I’ve spent over ten years exploring them, but I’m aware my love for them is waning. This may sound curious from an aromatherapist, but I’ve been thinking about it...
by Louise Morgan | Aromatherapy, Blog, Complementary Therapy, Holistic Therapy
When you think of aromatherapy, do you think of aromatherapy with a massage? If so, you’re not alone. Many people think that when you book with a therapist for an aromatherapy session, you will be getting a massage, however it is possible to book an aromatherapy...
by Louise Morgan | Aromatherapy, Blog, Essential Oil Safety, Introduction to Essential Oils
A repost from March 2016, which I posted originally on another website. Yet again I’ve seen a post asking about neat and internal use of essential oils because people are confused. Some people say you should never use oils neat or internally while...