by Louise Morgan | Blog, Complementary Therapy, Reiki, Self Care
You may already know a little bit about Reiki, you may have had a taster session, or you may have read previous blog posts about Reiki and felt drawn towards trying it. If you’ve never heard of Reiki, you may want to read my blog post, What is Reiki? which...
by Louise Morgan | Aromatherapy massage, Blog, Complementary Therapy, Holistic Therapy, Massage, reflexology, Reiki, Self Care, Uncategorised
With holistic therapies it is possible for your session to be tailored to you, so, how do you get the most out of your therapy session? Before the hands-on part of your therapy begins, you’ll find that your therapist has a little chat with you. Apart from...
by Louise Morgan | Aromatherapy, Blog, Indian Head Massage, Massage, Reiki, Self Care
People sometimes look at my business card and say ‘Ooh, you do a lot of things, don’t you?’ The truth is, I don’t. It’s just when they’re all listed out like that it can seem a lot. My business is all holistic, I’m not a...
by Louise Morgan | Blog, Reiki, Self Care
Reiki is pronounced as ray-kee, and began as a Japanese self-healing technique. Over the years it has developed into an energy therapy, which some people think is amazing and others consider as rubbish. During a reiki session you lie fully clothed on a couch or sit in...