by Louise Morgan | Blog, Complementary Therapy, Holistic Therapy
When you book a therapy you may find there is a choice between half hour, hour, and an hour and half appointments, and if you’ve not booked a therapy before you may be unsure about which one to choose. Regardless of which one you select, you will find that for...
by Louise Morgan | Blog, reflexology
Reflexology tends to have a bit of a marmite effect on people – mention reflexology involves the feet and some people will begin to tell you why they hate having their feet touched, while others will tell you they could have their feet rubbed all night....
by Louise Morgan | Aromatherapy, Blog, Complementary Therapy, Holistic Therapy
When you think of aromatherapy, do you think of aromatherapy with a massage? If so, you’re not alone. Many people think that when you book with a therapist for an aromatherapy session, you will be getting a massage, however it is possible to book an aromatherapy...
by Louise Morgan | Blog, Indian Head Massage
I sometimes get asked what is Indian Head Massage. I learned Traditional Indian Head Massage, so if you visit me I’ll assume you’re asking for a seated massage, rather than a couch massage. I know this varies with therapists, so it may be worth...