Looking for ways to improve your self care? These self care blog posts have been written to give you ideas. In the blog posts, I explore different therapies and give ideas about how you can help yourself. If you have any questions after reading the posts, do get in touch

It all starts with one step

It all starts with one step

It's the beginning of January and I need another new therapist to add to my personal well-being kit. Pre-Covid, I had regular therapies several times a month. Unfortunately, during the pandemic I saw many decide things were too difficult to continue. Last year I was...

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Therapies and Coronavirus

Therapies and Coronavirus

Over the past year we've all been made completely aware of a little thing called a pandemic! Each time therapists have returned to their clinics, we have had to ensure we are being as safe as we can. This has involved a risk assessment of our environment and also what...

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  Diversity has become a bit of a buzz word. Personally, I think this is a good thing but I do wonder if, as a society, we embrace all diversity. At my clinic, I aim to encourage diversity and welcome it in all its forms. So, how do I try to promote diversity? At...

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Our new normal

Our new normal

If you've been considering a therapy, it can be a bit of a scary idea given our current global situation. Look for a therapist who is part of a membership body, as the therapist will be taking guidance from them. During this time, membership bodies have been advising...

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Good hygiene practices

Good hygiene practices

With the possibility of an epidemic, I'm seeing many people who are fearful of the coronavirus. As a business, I've already had to look at hygiene practices and, unsurprisingly, with the advent of this outbreak I'm not needing to make any changes. During our therapy...

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Little and Often

Little and Often

  Well, it's the start of a new decade! Many of you may be thinking of making changes, especially after the Christmas festivities, but remember, it doesn't have to all start 1st January and be all or nothing. As we get older, our bodies become a little less...

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Dealing with December

Dealing with December

We're into December again, and even though the whole year has been busy and we're not sure where the year has gone, we know it's now going to step up a pace. During this time it's really important to factor yourself into the equation. Do you need to spend all that...

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New Year, New You?

New Year, New You?

It's January again, and that time of year when we get bombarded with messages of hope, aspirations and aims that we should aspire to for the next coming 12 months. Usually, after the Christmas deluge of overindulging, there are...

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What does self-care look like?

What does self-care look like?

So, as we're approaching the end of the year I hear a lot of people commenting on how their lives are getting a bit crazy as they try to fit everything in. Self-care is a bit of a buzz phrase at the moment, but it's because it is important, especially when things...

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Take it easy on yourself

Take it easy on yourself

So, once again we're at the start of the year. Every year many of us make plans, set goals and set off full steam ahead. For some it's business plans, others health aims, personal challenges; the list can be endless as we try to make our lives perfect. But what if we...

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Can I mix my therapies?

Can I mix my therapies?

As an holistic therapist I have a toolkit of therapies I offer, as I'm aware not everyone likes the same thing. Regardless of your therapy, I'll have a little chat with you before the session, and it's then you can tell me what you think you may want. If you're having...

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How to choose your therapy

How to choose your therapy

Chances are, if you've made it to a complementary therapy website you have an idea about what you're looking for. Someone may have told you they've found something that was fantastic for sorting out their ache, someone else may have found a particular therapy really...

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My extreme self care

My extreme self care

Every year, about this time, I begin to feel exhausted and that I need a break, but I'm aware I have too much to do. With my workload, my family and the increase of pressures such as organising Christmas for home and a business, it can begin to feel a little...

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Managing Stress

Managing Stress

What is stress? We've all heard the word 'stress' and a lot of people use it in everyday vocabulary. Some people think they're not stressed but are used to hiding it, while others frequently feel high levels of stress and are aware of it. Stress can show in many...

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How Would You Invest £1million?

How Would You Invest £1million?

You've received £1 million, how would you invest it? Would you look on the internet and invest all of it based on what you find? Would you invest 50% on something you find on the internet,10%, or you would invest 0% and book an appointment with an investment...

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Why I Meditate

Why I Meditate

A few years ago I signed up to a 21 day meditation course, I tried to make 20minutes a day but it didn't really go too well. I had distractions, the playback was only available for up to five days and I fell behind. So, I tried again. I found the next time a little...

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Massage when you Feel Body Conscious

  I get a few people who come to me for a different therapy because they feel body conscious. They know a massage is probably going to help them the best, but they're not ready to get stripped off in front of a stranger and flaunt it all. Here's the thing - You...

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What is reiki?

What is reiki?

Reiki is pronounced as ray-kee, and began as a Japanese self-healing technique. Over the years it has developed into an energy therapy, which some people think is amazing and others consider as rubbish. During a reiki session you lie fully clothed on a couch or sit in...

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Falling off the Resolution Bandwagon

Falling off the Resolution Bandwagon

This is the repost of my blog post from January 2015, in case you fall off the resolution bandwagon. Once again we're finding ourselves at the beginning of January with hope for another year. Have you made any resolutions? Have you already broken them and beaten...

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